27 March - 5 April, 2009
Hobart, Tasmania

As part of the 2009 Ten Days on The Island exhibition, Chance Encounters, Elizabeth Woods ran a public art project involving households across Hobart. Her vision was that during the Ten Days festival, Hobart would become a healthier, kinder, more enjoyable, convivial, generous, attentive and affectionate city through the initiatives of its inhabitants.

Taking the impetus from the adage that charity starts at home, she worked with Hobart households to instigate small domestic changes that altered relationships within the household and with the wider community. For example, for the duration of the festival, residents resolved to only buy local produce, to call a family member every night, to regularly look out the window or to keep a bedroom tidy. Information about residents’ changes were then advertised on their street frontage as council "Public Notices."

Forty-five households, four businesses, a school and a phone box participated in the project; seventy-nine notices were posted.

Public Notices



The Public Notice Project was presented and commissioned by Salamanca Arts Centre, curated by Mary Knights and Maria Kunda, and supported by the Hobart City Council, through Arts Tasmania by the Minister for Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts, the Gordon Darling Foundation, Contemporary Art Spaces Tasmania (CAST), the University of Tasmania, and the University of South Australia.